11 Bills Related to Survivors Signed on YWCA Utah's Campus

On April 11, 2023, YWCA Utah hosted Gov. Spencer Cox and Lt. Deidre Henderson for a ceremonial bill signing of laws that support families and children. Our CEO Liz Owens welcomed legislators, state leaders, and community partners to the campus for the event. It was an honor to participate in the ceremony that featured several of YWCA Utah’s policy priorities including: a bill that makes it easier for domestic violence survivors to terminate their lease when they need to flee, a bill that provides health coverage access to undocumented children, and a bill that extends postpartum Medicaid from 60 days to one year. These new laws promote safety, well-being, economic security, and address health inequities for some of the most marginalized families in Utah. View the official photo gallery here: https://officeofthegovernor.pic-time.com/-childrenandfamilyceremonialbillsigning041123/gallery Here is the full list of bills signed at YWCA Utah by Gov. Cox and Lt. Gov. Henderson:
- H.B. 314 Remedies for Victims of Domestic Violence Amendments (Rep. Judkins, Sen. McKell)
- H.B. 43 Domestic Violence Modifications (Rep. Pierucci, Sen. Escamilla)
- H.B. 199 Voluntary Firearm Safekeeping Amendments (Rep. Cutler, Sen. Weiler)
- H.B. 244 Utah Victim Services Commission and Victim Services (Rep. Ivory, Sen. Kennedy)
- H.B. 324 Workplace Violence Protective Orders Amendments (Rep. Clancy, Sen. Weiler)
- H.B. 350 Adoption Modifications (Rep. Gricius, Sen. Weiler)
- S.B. 106 Caregiver Compensation Amendments (Sen. Weiler, Rep. Dailey-Provost)
- S.B. 117 Domestic Violence Amendments (Sen. Weiler, Rep. Wilcox)
- S.B. 154 Adoption Amendments (Sen. Wilson, Rep. Burton)
- S.B. 133 Modifications to Medicaid Coverage (Sen. Weiler, Rep. Acton)
- S.B. 217 Children's Health Coverage Amendments (Sen. Escamilla, Rep. Dunnigan)
News coverage of the event: https://www.fox13now.com/news/local-news/bills-focus-attention-on-domestic-violence-child-health-care https://www.ksl.com/article/50604443/cox-signs-bill-requiring-lethality-assessments-in-utah-domestic-violence-cases